How To Optimize Your Law Firm’s Instagram Bio

Instagram is an important and strategic marketing tool for law firms. It’s a great way to communicate who you are and your top services, plus show a more personal or curated side of your law firm. 

Social media is a great first impression of your law firm. It’s a great resource tool to introduce your firm to your potential clients and gives them a clear idea of what you can offer them. According to Instagram, 80% of Instagram users follow businesses. 

Tip: Make sure your Instagram account is a business account to get the full benefit of Instagram’s business features and analytics, and then link it to your Facebook account for easy posting and tracking.

Optimizing your Instagram Bio

The first thing that people who visit your profile are going to do is first look at your feed photos, second, look at your profile photo, and third, read your bio. Instagram allows you to write a bio with just 150 characters. It’s a precious amount of space that needs to be optimized and well-thought-out. When setting up your Instagram bio and using all 150 characters, it’s important to;

  • use a high-quality image for your profile image (it can be your law firm logo depending on if you want your Instagram to be more professional or friendly)

  • highlight a short tagline that describes your law firm

  • be engaging 

  • describe what makes your law firm different from others

  • use SEO keywords or hashtags

  • use emojis when appropriate 

  • provide a way for followers to contact you, and do you offer a (free) consultation? 

  • add your location

  • include a CTA (call to action); this can be your phone number, a link to your website, or your Linktree. Make sure your CTA starts with an action verb.

Below is an example of a well-thought-out Instagram law firm profile:

As you can see, Michelle has used a bright, friendly, and high-quality profile photo. She has a great tagline for her law firm that is catchy and has a fun play on words. If you didn’t know, she explains she is a lawyer for people looking to file a claim against car manufacturers. A malfunctioning car is what you would call a lemon. Michelle has also branded her Instagram with a lemon theme to go with her tagline. 

Along with your Instagram bio, you want to create a photo feed that looks eye-catching, showcases your branding and colors, and uses high-quality photos. If you need help creating a brand strategy for your Instagram, this blog post can help you:

How to Create a Brand Strategy for Your Law Firm’s Instagram

How to Use Linktree For Your Law Firm

As mentioned above, in your bio you want to link to your website or to a third-party tool like Linktree to add additional important links. Linktree is a freemium tool (that you can easily sign up for), allowing you to link more than one CTA in your Instagram bio.  

Sign up for Linktree here.

If you want to show your potential clients more information than just your website, then Linktree is something you need to use. When someone clicks on your Linktree link, it will open a new branded landing page that displays your profile image, your Instagram bio, and links to anything else you would like to share. 

Here are some ideas of what you can link to in your Linktree;

  • your website

  • link to your blog or specific popular or trending blog topics from your blog

  • your contact page

  • other social media platforms 

  • links to awards, press, or podcast appearances 

  • links to your newsletter sign up

  • links to available client resources such as guides, videos and other tools

Tip: Your Linktree link can also be used in other places, such as in your email signature or on other social media bios!

Note: We’re a fan of Linktree because it’s easy to set up and use, and it works, but there are other options such as building a landing page on your website with all your important additional links, which drives traffic to your website. But that takes time and resources!

Writing Your IG Bio

Before you write your bio directly on your Instagram profile, take a moment to write out a few different bios using some key points about your law firm. Think about the following as you create your bio;

  • How is your law firm different from competitors’?

  • What are your key services?

  • Do you have a tagline or specific message that describes your law firm?

  • What are your top SEO keywords and hashtags?

  • Do you have a clear CTA?

  • What action do you want viewers to take after seeing your posts?

  • Do you want to use emojis and hashtags in your bio?

Tip: If you have a hard time tracking the 150 character count, try the free Character Counter tool.

Need more help with optimizing your Instagram bio?

If you need help setting up your Instagram profile, creating an optimized Instagram bio, or if you are interested in having someone create engaging social media posts for your law firm’s Instagram account. SEO My Law Firm is available to assist you with your social marketing needs. Click here to learn more about our marketing services.

You can also shop our social media templates for law firms to help you get started!

See you on the Gram!

Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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