Leveraging LinkedIn for Law Firms: Strategies to Find New Clients

With more than 58 million companies and 900 million individuals listed on LinkedIn it’s essential for law firms and attorneys to have a strong presence to get referrals and leads, build their brand identity and demonstrate their thought leadership. According to the American Bar Association, over 90% of attorneys and law firms are active on LinkedIn; standing out in the crowded marketplace is a challenge for any law firm. LinkedIn, with its professional network and targeted audience, offers an invaluable platform for law firms and lawyers to connect with potential clients.

Company Page, Personal Profile or Both?

Law firms can maintain both a LinkedIn company page and their attorneys can maintain personal profiles to maximize their professional presence and networking capabilities. A LinkedIn company page serves as a centralized hub for the firm’s branding, showcasing its services, values and achievements. It allows potential clients, partners and recruits to learn about the firm in a professional context. The company page can also share updates, articles, and case studies, helping to establish the firm’s authority and expertise in the legal field. Additionally, having a company page increases the firm’s visibility on LinkedIn, making it easier for people to find and engage with the firm.

On the other hand, personal profiles for attorneys are essential for building individual professional networks and fostering personal connections. Attorneys can share their own achievements, publications and professional experiences, which helps to highlight their personal expertise and credibility. Personal profiles allow attorneys to engage directly with peers, clients and other professionals through comments, messages, and group discussions, fostering relationships that can lead to new business opportunities and collaborations.

Together, a law firm company page and personal attorney profiles create a comprehensive LinkedIn strategy that enhances the firm’s online presence, professional network and client engagement.

But what should you post on LI to attract viewers and get referrals and leads? Here’s how your law firm can effectively utilize LinkedIn to attract new clients.

5 Proven Strategies to Boost Your LinkedIn Success

1. Optimize Your LinkedIn Content for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just for your website; it’s crucial for your LinkedIn content too. By optimizing your posts, articles and newsletters with relevant keywords, you can improve your visibility on LinkedIn and attract potential clients who are searching for legal services.

Posts: Regularly share updates, insights and legal advice. Use relevant hashtags and keywords related to your practice areas to increase the reach of your posts.

Articles: Write in-depth articles on legal topics that showcase your expertise. Include keywords that potential clients might use when looking for legal advice.

Newsletters: Start a LinkedIn newsletter to provide valuable content to your audience consistently. Focus on trending legal issues, case studies and success stories.

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2. Personalize Your LinkedIn Messages and Invites

Cold messages and generic invites are often ignored. Personalizing your outreach can significantly improve your connection acceptance rate and engagement.

Make a Connection: Reference how you found the person. For example, “I saw your insightful post on recent changes in corporate law,” or “Congrats on your new role at XYZ Company.”

Show Genuine Interest: Mention specific details that demonstrate you’ve done your homework. This could be a recent achievement they’ve posted about or a mutual connection.

3. Engage in Competitor Conversations

Talking about competitors can be a strategic way to showcase your firm’s strengths without being overly promotional. For example:

Competitor Analysis: Share your thoughts on a recent case or legal development that a competitor has been involved in. Highlight how your firm approaches similar situations differently.

Industry Trends: Discuss industry trends that affect your competitors and provide your unique insights.

4. Celebrate Successes and Milestones

Acknowledging achievements and milestones, whether they are your own or those of your connections, helps build rapport and fosters relationships.

Congratulate Others: Send personalized messages or post public congratulations for your connections’ achievements. This not only strengthens your network but also keeps your firm top-of-mind.

Share Your Wins: Don’t be shy about celebrating your own successes. Whether it’s a big case win, an award, or a new hire, sharing these updates humanizes your firm and showcases your capabilities.

5. Clear Calls to Action (CTAs)

Every piece of content you post should have a clear CTA. What do you want your audience to do next? Here are a few examples:

Contact Us: Encourage readers to reach out for a consultation. Include a direct link to your contact page.

Learn More: Direct them to a detailed blog post or article on your website.

Subscribe: Invite them to subscribe to your LinkedIn newsletter or follow your company page for more updates.

Are You Ready To Up Your LinkedIn Results?

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for law firms to connect with potential clients and establish a robust professional presence. By optimizing your content for SEO, personalizing your messages, engaging in competitor conversations, celebrating successes and including clear CTAs, your firm can effectively leverage LinkedIn to find and secure new clients.

Start implementing these LinkedIn marketing strategies today and watch your client base grow as you build meaningful connections and showcase your firm’s expertise on LinkedIn.

Is Your Law Firm Ready To Get Found and Get Leads?

Law firms that create informative, useful, original content that solves their potential clients' problems are winning the race for new clients.

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.




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