Why the Human Touch Still Ranks Supreme in Legal Content Writing

In today's data-driven world, it's easy to assume artificial intelligence (AI) will soon rule the roost, even in niche fields like legal content writing. After all, stats say the majority of new content will be AI-generated, right? However, before you hand over the reins to robots entirely, consider this: human-written content still outperforms AI in search rankings by a whopping 94.12%, says content marketer Neil Patel. Why? Let's delve into the reasons why the human touch remains crucial for legal content, even in an AI-powered future.

AI content generated 3.18x LESS traffic than human written content.

- Neil Patel

5 Reasons Why Human Written Legal Content Ranks Higher Than AI

Google rank and getting found online are vital to the growth and success of law firms. Google released the EAT Helpful Content update in 2020, and in 2023, Google released an EEAT update: Experience, Expertise, Authority and Trustworthiness. Google wants to promote and rank high-quality, relevant, authoritative and helpful content through this sitewide signal. 

Here are five reasons why human-written content ranks higher on search engines than AI-generated content.

1. Precision and Nuance:
Law thrives on precision and nuance. Legal concepts are intricate, often riddled with gray areas and dependent on specific contexts. While AI can churn out vast amounts of content, it may struggle to grasp the subtleties and complexities that underpin legal matters. A human writer, on the other hand, can navigate these complexities with understanding, ensuring the content is accurate, legally sound and avoids misinterpretations.

2. Understanding Your Audience:
Legal content isn't just about presenting information; it's about tailoring it to a specific audience. Lawyers need to cater to judges, legal professionals, and even clients with varying levels of legal knowledge. Human writers excel at understanding audience needs and crafting content that resonates, whether it’s a persuasive legal brief or an informative blog post for potential clients. They can incorporate specific language, examples and explanations that resonate with the intended reader.

3. Creativity and Persuasion:
Legal writing often demands creativity and persuasion. Whether crafting compelling arguments or weaving a narrative in a legal brief, human writers bring a unique flair that AI struggles to replicate. They can employ rhetorical devices, emotional appeals and storytelling techniques to make the content impactful and persuasive.

4. Adaptability and Evolution:
The legal landscape is constantly evolving, with new laws, precedents and interpretations emerging regularly. Legal content needs to be adaptable and reflect these changes. Human writers possess the critical thinking skills and legal knowledge to keep content current and relevant, ensuring it adheres to the latest developments.

5. Building Trust and Credibility:
In the legal realm, trust and credibility are paramount. Clients and legal professionals alike rely on accurate, reliable information. AI-generated content, while informative, may struggle to establish the same level of trust as human-written content. A human writer's reputation and expertise add weight to the content, making it more credible and trustworthy in the eyes of the reader.

Is There A Role for AI in Legal Content Writing?

Despite concerns, 72% of law firms see AI as a valuable tool for improving efficiency and productivity.

- Thomson Reuters

YES! But… While AI can be a valuable tool for research and content generation, it's crucial to remember that the human touch remains irreplaceable in legal content creation. The ability to understand nuances, tailor to audiences, and inject creativity and persuasion are all qualities that AI currently lacks.

As you make decisions about the legal content strategy for your law firm, remember that the human touch is what truly sets your content apart and helps increase your online visibility and rank.

Remember, even the most sophisticated AI is just a tool. It's the human mind that wields it effectively, ensuring legal content remains accurate, persuasive, and, most importantly, human.

Potential Benefits and Applications For AI Legal Content Writing:

  • AI can generate drafts faster, addressing a key challenge for busy legal professionals. Studies show AI tools can draft contracts 5x faster than humans.

  • AI can help personalize legal blogs for specific audiences, suggesting relevant case studies and regulations based on the reader's location or area of practice.

  • AI research capabilities can aid in identifying timely legal topics and sourcing valuable data for blog posts.

Learn More:

Does Your Law Firm Content Rank and Get Found?

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Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.




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