10 Effective Marketing Strategies For Your Law Firm

Marketing for your law firm should always be a top priority so people who need your legal services can find you - and so you have new clients for your business. You might feel overwhelmed by the idea of marketing and feel like you don’t have enough time. However, just dedicating a few hours a week to marketing and developing an effective marketing strategy for your law firm can make a huge difference in;

  • building brand awareness for your law firm and your brand image

  • gaining new referrals and clients

  • standing out from other law firms

  • building relationships

One of the most important things to remember is to be consistent with your marketing strategy and to really think about what is going to work best for your law firm and your brand image.

10 (Manageable) Marketing Ideas for Your Law Firm

Below are 10 marketing strategies that you can use to build your brand awareness, your authority in your industry, and gain more client referrals.

  1. Create an actionable marketing strategy and plan

    How do you know what your goals are and what you want to achieve if you don’t have a plan? The first step in creating your marketing strategy is to create an achievable plan. Here are some of the things you should include in your marketing strategy;

  • think about what goals you what to achieve by marketing your law firm

  • who are you marketing to? Who is your ideal client? It’s a good idea to create a client avatar for your law firm. This blog post shows you how to do it.

  • decide what social media platforms work best for your law firm - not every platform will work for your law firm. However, you should claim all social media profiles just so you have them.

  • create a strategy for your blog, and make a list of blog topics

  • think about a few things that make your law firm stand out from your competitors

  • from your marketing strategy include 3 to 5 things (weekly to-do’s) that you can do each week. For example;

    • weekly posts to social media

    • write a blog topic or case study

    • create a video

    • draft your monthly or quarterly newsletter

    • repurpose and update older blog content that is still relevant

    • network with colleagues and related businesses

2. Audit your social media platforms (and website!)

When it the last time you looked at your social media profiles? It is a best practice to make sure that your profiles are up to date and include;

  • a description using your targeted keywords that is similar across all social media platforms

  • check to make sure your links work

  • update your profile photo so that it looks like you and is consistent on your social profiles

This blog post, How to Perform a Mini Social Media Audit for Your Law Firm can help you with your audit.

You should also audit your website and make sure;

  • you are using targeted service and local keywords throughout your website

  • your links are not broken

  • services are up to date and accurate

  • attorney profiles and support staff pages and bios are up to date

  • client resources are updated

3. Create branding for your social media
It is important to not only create your marketing strategy but also create your branding for your social media. Ask yourself;

  • do you want to use the same colors as your logo and website?

  • do you like a consistent theme for your social media?

  • would you like a professional look or a more of a lighthearted feel?

  • what types of content do you want to post on your social media?

4. Set up Google Alerts

Keep yourself up to date with what is going on with your top competitors and news in your industry. This is a great way to get valuable information right to your inbox. You can also look for inspiration to see what other law firms are doing to improve their marketing efforts.

5. Research competitors
It’s always a good idea to check out what your competitors are doing across their social media platforms and on their websites. Not only is it good for inspiration but you will also gain insight into how to engage with your own clients and prospects.

6. Use LinkedIn to your advantage

LinkedIn can be a powerful social media tool to not only network with colleagues but connect with old clients and also gain new clients. The first thing you should do is audit your LinkedIn to make sure your entire profile is up to date (using your keywords). You can use LinkedIn to;

  • post new content about your company or blog articles

  • create a LinkedIn article (different from a LI post)

  • join a few groups and engage and make new connections weekly

  • be helpful in answering questions and join in on the conversation

  • invite connections with new people

  • make meaningful comments on other’s successes and content

7. Post to your blog regularly
Your blog should always be up to date with relevant information. Your blog is a great resource for not only your clients but it’s a way to drive traffic to your website through Google search. It’s important to post something to your blog at least once to twice per month. Your blog can include;

  • firm news

  • services

  • industry topics

  • case studies

  • create a blog and include your best-performing articles or list articles that discuss a similar topic

  • guest write or collaborate with a colleague

8. Twitter is a great PR resource

If one of your marketing goals is to become more of an authority in your industry, a great resource to do is using your Twitter account. Journalists use Twitter as one of their top resources to look for topics and people to interview and write about. So join the Twitter conversation and;

  • give your opinion on popular or trending cases within your industry

  • join conversations regarding law discussions

  • follow law industry hashtags

  • follow other Twitter accounts who are already authorities in your industry. Don’t be afraid to chat with them and join in their discussions

9. Rebrand or update your newsletter

First thing first, make sure your newsletter is up to date with your email contacts. Brainstorm ways to improve the newsletter that you send out to clients. Check to make sure all your general information is updated on your newsletter and your links are working correctly. Plan to send out either a monthly or quarterly newsletter. Here are some current newsletter topics and trends;

  • case studies

  • lists (a top ten list, etc)

  • feature profiles or new hires

  • video content

  • updates or changes in the law

  • guides and resources

  • photos

  • share a story or update

  • notable news stories

  • testimonials

  • social media highlights

  • FAQs

  • newsjacking stories

  • contests and giveaways

  • a personalized letter or video

10. Create a valuable resource for your clients

A great way to attract new clients is to create a valuable resource that your clients can easily download with their email addresses. Here are a few suggestions;

  • a checklist of what to do before and after a divorce

  • steps to walk you through applying for a Green Card

  • a roadmap to guide you through what to expect in your litigation

  • tips on how to prepare for a real estate closing

Bonus Tip! Research industry conferences, sponsorships, and volunteer opportunities

Sign up for mailings that will help raise your visibility and put you in the same room with people of authority in your industry, and potential clients and referral sources. Look for opportunities where you don’t just attend these as an attendee, but how you can promote your services.

Bonus Tip: When you see an industry conference that is your specialty, inquire how you can become a speaker or host a session!

Need help with marketing your law firm or creating a marketing strategy?

We are happy to help you will all your law firm marketing needs. Contact us here. We would be happy to help you build your marketing strategy, grow your online authority and visibility and increase your client referrals.

Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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