How Your Law Firm Can Elevate Your Instagram Account

"Did you know that 81% of law firms and independent lawyers maintain at least one social media platform?"

Instagram is a powerful platform for law firms to connect with potential clients, build relationships, and generate leads. But beyond the basics, there are several advanced strategies that law firms can use to get the most out of Instagram.

Even though your law firm might have an Instagram account, having an inactive or poorly updated Instagram page can hurt your firm. Users can view your poorly managed or inactive social media account as a direct reflection of your law firm. Therefore, simply creating an Instagram account and posting a few photos is not enough to achieve success on the platform. In order to get the most out of Instagram, law firms need to use advanced strategies and tactics. You want to be the authority in your industry. 

One of the biggest changes to Instagram in the last few months is putting huge importance on SEO and using keywords in your Instagram posts. You can do this by making sure you optimize your posts by using your target keywords within the first six words of your post.

More on this below, as our law firm content marketing agency is providing you tips on how to grow your audience and elevate your Instagram account.

10 Ways to Elevate Your Law Firm's Instagram Account

Here are some advanced tips for law firms so you can elevate your Instagram account.

  1. Have a theme.

    cohesive theme is one of the best ways your firm can ensure you look professional on Instagram. You want to include the following; 

  • Your branded colors and fonts

  • A pop of color

  • Your logo

  • Tone of voice

  • Cohesive design elements 

2. Optimize your law firm's bio.

 The first thing that people who visit your profile will do is take a first look at your feed photos. Next, they will look at your profile photo, and third read your bio. Instagram allows you to write a bio with just 150 characters. It's a precious amount of space that needs to be optimized and well-thought-out. Since your Instagram account is a business, make sure you set up your Instagram as a business account. A new feature on Instagram is setting up your category, contact options, and action buttons. You will want to select which buttons make the most sense for your law firm. Also, instead of linking to your law firm's website, consider using Linktree.

 This post will show you how to optimize your law firm's Instagram bio. 

3. Use real high-quality photos.

Using high-quality stock photos is excellent, but your whole feed should not be full of stock photography. Instead, take actual pictures of your staff, and showcase your office, activities, and events. People want to see real people, and your potential clients want to see what working with your law firm is like. Feel free to tell a story with your photos. Storytelling is a great way to engage with your audience. 

4. Be consistent with your posting schedule. 

Instagram users are likelier to follow and engage with accounts that post consistently. Therefore, post multiple times per week, and make sure your posts are spread throughout the day to reach people worldwide. A content calendar is great for scheduling your evergreen content or content you want to send out each week. 

5. Optimize your post copy and hashtags. 

A big change to Instagram is to make sure you optimize your post copy with your target keywords. These keywords should be used in the first six - ten words of your post. Less is more regarding hashtags; they should be well-thought-out and be a big part of your marketing strategy. Use hashtags related to your posting content and your services, and remember to focus on your local hashtags. A good way to remember this is 3,3,3.

  • 3 content related hashtags

  • 3 service related hashtags

  • 3 local keywords or community hashtags

6. Use Instagram Stories or go Live to connect personally with your audience. 

Instagram Stories or Lives is a great way to share behind-the-scenes content, give your followers a peek into your law firm's culture, and answer their questions. You can also use Stories to promote upcoming events, share testimonials, and announce new services.

7. Don't post the same content over and over again. 

Evergreen content is excellent. However, you want to ensure you post a variety of content on your Instagram. For example, use Reels to answer FAQs, as mentioned above, use real photos on your feed, and use newsjacking to comment on topics related to your industry. 

8. Engage with your followers. 

One of the best ways to grow your following and build relationships with your audience is to engage with them. Respond to comments and questions, like and comment on other user's posts, and participate in relevant conversations. If you don't have time to engage, ensure someone in your office is available for that task. 

9. Show off your culture and values. 

Instagram is an excellent platform because, unlike other platforms, it's best for humanizing your firm and showing a more personal side. Use Instagram as a place to share your firm's values and culture. Some ideas to do this:

  • Post on relevant holidays. 

  • Start a series introducing team members and share fun info about them, like hobbies, favorite foods, passions, background, etc.

  • Newsjacking: Share relevant events in the news that are important to your firm.

  • Create a post to showcase your law firm's mission or vision statement.

  • Congratulate employees on professional and personal achievements.

  • Share photos from behind the scenes or at your law firm, including company events, birthdays, achievements, local events, etc. 

10. Use Instagram analytics to track your progress and measure your results. 

Instagram Analytics provides valuable insights into your account performance, such as reach, engagement, and demographics. By tracking your progress, you can see what's working and what's not and adjust your strategy accordingly.

*Bonus tip: Boost posts. 

Did you know you can turn any post into an ad by 'boosting' it on Instagram? Create a monthly budget for your law firm and boost your best-performing posts to reach a new audience. It's an easy and effective way to promote your law firm further. 

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Does your law firm need a content strategy - and content? SEO My Law Firm can create, optimize and manage all your online digital content so you don’t have missed opportunities to grow your law firm. Contact Us Today about our SEO-optimized content writing for lawyers and law firms.

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Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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