LinkedIn For Law Firms: Who, What, When Where & WHY

LinkedIn For Law Firms

The majority of people with a legal problem go one place to find a lawyer: online.

Most lawyers and law firms are on LinkedIn - but are you using it effectively - are you even using it? Are you getting engagement and qualified leads? It’s not enough to just use LinkedIn, you have to use it strategically - and that means understanding the difference between your LinkedIn personal profile, and your LinkedIn company page. There are MANY different effective LinkedIn strategies for law firms - the key is to find the strategy that works for you, and helps you reach and attract your ideal clients.

#DYK According to the American Bar Association,
90% of attorneys and law firms are active on LinkedIn.

But there is a HUGE difference between being active and being effective on LinkedIn. An effective LinkedIn presence combined with a good website are key tools to build your online rank and authority. Here are some tips to help you get the best results for your LinkedIn personal profile and your company page.

LinkedIn Tips for Lawyer Personal Profiles

As a lawyer, your LinkedIn profile represents your professional brand - and you need to protect and nurture your online brand!

  1. Complete and update your profile.
    This is the most important thing you can do to improve your visibility on LinkedIn. Make sure your profile is complete and up-to-date, including your contact information, education, work experience and skills. You should also add a professional headshot and a background photo.
    • Your profile should include keywords, hashtags, CTAs and any other relevant information that helps you get notices and compels action.

  2. Join relevant groups.
    LinkedIn groups are a great way to connect with other lawyers and potential clients. Join groups that are related to your practice area or industry. Be active in the groups by participating in discussions, sharing content and answering questions.
    • Remember: LinkedIn Groups are for sharing information and helping solve people’s problems - not just selling your services!

  3. Post interesting content.
    LinkedIn is a great platform for sharing content related to your practice area. This could include your firm’s blog posts, articles you’ve read, videos or even just your thoughts on current events. When you post content, be sure to use relevant keywords and hashtags so that people can find it when they're searching for information.
    • Posting 2-3 times per week is the sweetspot to keep your profile visible.
    • If you share a link, include an inciteful comment.

    #DYK You only have 7 seconds to get their attention:
    Start your post with your strongest message.

  4. Engage with others.
    One of the best ways to use LinkedIn is to engage with other users. This can include liking, commenting and sharing content. You can also connect with other lawyers and potential clients by sending them invitations to connect.
    Other lawyers are a great source of referrals for your firm so look for attorneys that complement your services.
    • LI inmail profile-to-profile messaging is a great way to connect and network.

    #DYK LinkedIn InMail has an open rate
    300% higher than standard email.

  5. Use LinkedIn to promote your firm.
    LinkedIn is a great way to promote your law firm by sharing your branded content and company resources. You can do this by sharing content about your firm, its services and its successes. You can also use LinkedIn to run advertising campaigns to reach a wider audience.
    • Share information from your law firm’s company page to your personal profile with a comment!

Go Live On LinkedIn!
Video is a great way for you and your law firm to gain authority and followers!

Here are some additional tips that can help you get the most out of your personal LinkedIn profile:

  • Use a strong headline that accurately reflects your expertise and what you offer clients.

  • Update your summary so that it highlights your skills and experience, successes and services

  • Use keywords throughout your profile so that people can find you when they're searching for information.

  • Post high-quality content that is relevant to your target audience.

  • Engage with other users by liking, commenting and sharing content.

  • Connect with other lawyers who could refer clients and potential clients who could benefit from your services.

  • Use LinkedIn to promote your firm’s company page and its services.

By following these tips, you can use LinkedIn to improve your visibility, connect with other lawyers, and promote your law firm.

LinkedIn LIVE Tips for Law Firms

LinkedIn Tips for Law Firm Company Pages

Your personal attorney profile is important, but law firms need a LinkedIn company page for several reasons:

  • Increase Visibility:
    It is important to have a presence on LinkedIn as it is the world's largest professional network. By having a company page, you can increase visibility and reach a wider audience, including potential clients, referral sources, and job seekers.

    40% of visitors engage with a LinkedIn
    company page organically each week.

  • Build Credibility:
    A LinkedIn company page allows you to showcase your law firm's expertise, experience and specialties. By sharing relevant content and interacting with followers, you can build credibility and establish your firm as a thought leader in your industry.

  • Connect with Potential Clients:
    LinkedIn provides an opportunity to connect with potential clients who are seeking legal services. Through targeted engagement and advertising, you can attract new clients to your firm and grow your business.

  • Networking Opportunities:
    LinkedIn provides opportunities for networking with other professionals in your field. You can join groups and participate in discussions related to your practice area, allowing you to form relationships and potentially gain new referral sources.

  • Recruitment:
    LinkedIn is a valuable tool for recruitment, allowing you to post job openings and connect with potential job candidates. By showcasing your company culture and values, you can attract top talent to your firm.

Here are some tips to build your law firm’s company page to get more followers, build your online authority - and get leads!

5 Tips to Grow Your Law Firm’s LinkedIn Company Page

  1. Be Consistent:
    Post regularly and consistently on your law firm's LinkedIn page to ensure that your audience stays engaged. A good rule of thumb is to post at least twice a week, and aim for the optimal posting time for your target audience.

  2. Share Relevant Content:
    Share articles, blogs and news that is relevant to your practice area or industry. By providing valuable information, you'll position your firm as an authority in your field and gain more followers who are interested in what you have to say.

  3. Optimize Your Page:
    Make sure your company page is fully optimized with a detailed description of your services, logo and up-to-date contact information. Include keywords and hashtags that potential clients might search for when looking for legal services.

    #DYK Companies with a complete, active
    LinkedIn Page see
    5x more page views

  4. Engage With Your Followers:
    Respond to comments and messages from your followers to build relationships and show that you value their engagement. Don't be afraid to ask questions or start a conversation, as this can lead to new connections and potential clients.

  5. Use LinkedIn Ads:
    Consider running targeted LinkedIn ads to reach a wider audience and promote your law firm services. You can target specific industries, locations, job titles and even company sizes to ensure that your ads are seen by the right people. With the right messaging and targeting, LinkedIn ads can be an effective tool to grow your audience and generate new business.

    #DYK you can boost LinkedIn posts?
    Promote any company page post to enhance your law firm’s presence and reach.

Is LinkedIn Helping Your Law Firm Grow?

In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for success in any industry - and the legal field is no exception. LinkedIn, the world's largest professional network, offers a unique opportunity for lawyers to connect with potential clients, build their brand, and establish themselves as thought leaders in their field.

By maintaining an active and engaging presence on LinkedIn, lawyers can

  • showcase their expertise

  • network with other professionals

  • attract new business opportunities

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√ LinkedIn Profiles, Company Pages and Growth Strategy

√ Online Visibility & Competitor Audits

√ Blogs, Website Copy & Newsletters

√ Google Business Profile Management

√ Social Media Strategy

√ SEO Copywriting, Content Strategy & Solutions

√ Train Your Team

√ …and more…

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


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