5 Steps to Update Your Lawyer LinkedIn Profile for 2022

5 Steps to Update Your Lawyer LinkedIn Profile for 2022

As a lawyer, you are probably on LinkedIn. Linked in is a powerful networking tool and is a great resource for lawyers and law firms to build their online profiles, make connections and get referrals - that’s why you joined! Hopefully, you post regularly and comment and Like other people’s posts. But when is the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile? If your answer is 2021 - or anytime before that! - it’s time to update your LinkedIn profile! Your entire profile may need a remake. Your LinkedIn profile and headline typically are one of the top 3 things that show up when someone Googles your name - so make LinkedIn work for you.

The American Bar Association’s Legal Technology Survey shows nearly 76% of law firms use LinkedIn. Is LinkedIn helping you grow your brand and your business?

An optimized LinkedIn profile helps lawyers and law firms get found on Search. If you don’t have the time or energy to rewrite your entire profile today, here are 5 simple actions you can take to make sure your lawyer profile gets seen on LinkedIn and stands out on Google Search.

5 Easy Steps to Makeover Your LinkedIn Lawyer Profile In Less Than 1 Hour

1. Craft A Clear and Memorable Headline

It’s time for a headline refresh! Your LinkedIn headline has 220 characters - you should be using them all! Make sure your headline announces the most important things about your legal practice and what differentiates you from your competitors:

  • Have you recently launched a podcast? Add: Podcast Host.

  • What legal services do you provide? Don’t just say Attorney, use keywords to update to: Divorce and Family Law Attorney or Chicago Patent Lawyer .

  • Are you known for a catchy tagline or hashtag? Add it: #ProtectWhatMatters.

  • Separate skills or specialties with: | or • (bullets or divider lines).

  • Add a CTA: Call To Action. What do you want your LI visitors to do:

    • Read your summary?

    • Connect?

    • Visit your website?

Whatever you want visitors to do, ask them!

  • ⚖️ Emojis are allowed In LinkedIn headlines. If they work for your legal brand, go for it!

Not every LinkedIn headline strategy is right for every attorney. Decide what fits your brand, and give your headline a 2022 refresh. Until recently, the LinkedIn profile only allowed 120 characters. Use those extra 100 characters strategically!

Tip: Is less more? If Just because you have 220 characters, you don’t have to use them all. Think: Immigration problem? Call me today.

2. Update Your Profile Photo and Header Image

Does your LinkedIn profile photo still look like you? Is it a photo taken in the past 5 years? Is it professional and friendly - or a photo you’d post on a dating site?

  • Your profile photo should be 400px x 400px.

  • Use a professional photo, not a selfie. Is there a selfie on your law firm photo?

  • If you’re wearing dark, solid clothing, and colorful background or border draws the eye. You can use a simple graphic design tool to add color before you upload the photo.

Tip: LinkedIn profile photos can now include video! LinkedIn users can add a cover story to your profile to talk about your services and how your law firm can solve their problem: “Once you add your Cover Story, an orange ring will appear around your profile photo, and a preview of your video will auto-play silently within your photo frame.”

If your LinkedIn profile doesn’t have a background header image, add one! It’s easy to do, and can give your profile more personality and attract interest.

  • LinkedIn offers a menu of default header images to choose from.

  • Your firm logo, your business card, your city skyline or your tagline are simple yet effective header images - although not very original.

  • Do you have a professional experience or personal interest you are proud to share? Personal photos let prospective get to know you. A photo of you skiing, speaking at a legal event or published article can grab attention and help you stand out in the LI crowd.

3. Contact Info and Gender Pronouns

Is your contact info up to date? Is your correct

  • email address listed?

  • phone number listed?

  • company named and linked?

  • website address correct and linked?

The ability to add gender pronouns is new to LinkedIn. It’s not required, but it is an option. You can’t enter your own - LinkedIn has a menu to choose from, but you can also enter custom pronouns.

LinkedIn profile pronouns

Should you have pronouns in your LinkedIn profile?

  • They are intended as an opportunity to show that you value inclusion, equity, and diversity.

  • If you have them in your email signature, then it makes sense to have them on your LI profile.

  • If including pronouns isn’t important to you personally, is it important to your potential clients and referring lawyers?

4. Ask for Recommendations

Social proof matters. When is the last time someone wrote a recommendation on your LinkedIn profile? Just as Google reviews are important for Google search rank, LinkedIn recommendations are important to get found on LinkedIn.

  • Ask clients or colleagues for a LinkedIn recommendation.

  • Give one to get one: Be sure to thank whoever gives you a recommendation, and offer to write one for them also.

  • Request a new LinkedIn recommendation annually: that will keep your profile current and relevant.

5. Personalize Your URL

Is your LinkedIn URL the default assigned to you by LI - or is it how you want to be found? If you created your LinkedIn profile when you were single, but have been practicing law under your married name for many years, does your URL match your professional name?

Your custom URL must contain 3-100 letters or numbers, and cannot use spaces, symbols, or special characters.

https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucy-lawyer/ —> https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucy-lawyer-marriedname/

You Updated Your Lawyer LinkedIn Profile: Now What?

Congratulations on prioritizing 1 hour update your LinkedIn profile. But if it hadn’t been updated for a while, you probably noticed a few other areas that need to be updated:

  1. Is your Summary section accurate, optimized for keywords and current?

  2. Have you added intro videos, articles and other important resources to your Summary?

  3. Are you a member of the right Groups and following the right topics?

  4. Are there a few - dozens? - Connect requests waiting for your response?

  5. Is your Message inbox overflowing?

  6. Have you changed firms or added new career Experiences and accomplishments?

  7. Does your law firm’s company page need some attention?

An extensive LinkedIn personal and company profile can make the difference between getting found or getting buried on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is important for networking, referrals and growing your law firm’s business - and your profits.

Does Your LinkedIn Profile Increase Your Law Firm’s Online Visibility?

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it - or if it doesn’t convert?

If you want more clients and referrals, you should update your LinkedIn profile today. If you’re already using LinkedIn and your profile isn’t updated and optimized - and you’re not getting good results such as building your network and getting referrals - why not? It’s FREE!

SEO My Law Firm can optimize and manage your LinkedIn Profile and provides SEO optimized content writing, marketing services and other content solutions for law firms. Contact Us Today!

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.




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