Facebook Ad Campaigns for Law Firms

Did you know that running an effective and efficient Facebook Ad Campaign doesn’t have to cost you thousands of dollars?

You can actually start with a relativity small budget, depending on your goals, and you can advertise locally vs nationally. Some successful ad spends are no more than $100 to $200 per month!

Before you jump in, there are a few steps that you need to take to set up a great and effective campaign, including creating a few ads, laser focusing on your target market, setting your goals, writing effective copy and then setting up the ads.

Yes, that may seem overwhelming, however, I’m here to answer your questions about Facebook Ad Campaigns for Law Firms and to help get you started.

Q&A: How to set up a Facebook Ad Campaign for Law Firms

How do I decide on a budget for my Facebook Ad Campaign?

Start by thinking about your goals for your campaign. Is this a relativity short campaign to promote a new service that will only last about a month or it is a long-term campaign? Long-term campaigns are usually about a month to three months, or even longer.

Facebook lets you set your daily ad spend at just $1 per day. So start small. For a small budget campaign, it’s best to start your ad spend at between $2 and $5 per day so you can figure out what your monthly spend on ads will be. You can always adjust. Not only can you set your daily spend at just around $2 but you can set your lifetime spend as well. This way you will never go over your intended budget.

How do I figure out my target market?

Your target market is the same as your ideal law firm clientele. So, you want to create your Facebook audience to match your ideal client profile. Think about the following as you create your Facebook audience;

  • Age

  • Location (try to keep local so you don’t have to spend as much)

  • Your client’s interests (A good example would be if you are a family law firm you could set your target audience to co-parenting, divorced mothers, father’s rights, LGBTQ rights, etc.)

What should I think about when setting my goals?

When setting your goals for your Facebook Ad Campaign, you should think about what you want to achieve from Facebook.

  • Is your audience on Facebook?

  • Are you a new law firm trying to promote your firm and your services?

  • Are you trying to build brand awareness?

  • Would you like to gain more followers on Facebook and Instagram?

The great thing about using Facebook Ad Manager is that you can set your campaign to accomplish the exact goal you want to achieve.

What is the best and easiest way to create or design my Facebook ads?

To create Facebook ads for my clients, I prefer using Canva. It’s an easy design tool that already has pre-made templates or you can design your own. Canva also has tons of high-quality images that you can use for your Ads. It is so important that all of your ads have high-quality images that relate to your law firm or your target audience. You want to create ads that are attention-grabbing, relate to your target audience and support the goal of your campaign. Keep in mind that your ads should also look good for mobile.

#DYK: 96% of Facebook users use Facebook on their mobile phones.

How many ads should I create or design?

Depending on your ad campaign you want to create between 3 and 10 ads. This is a good amount to A/B test your campaign and audience. Once your Facebook Ad Campaign has been running for a few weeks you can stop the ads that are not as popular and either increase your spend on the ads that are doing well or create a few new ads that are related to the ones that are doing well.

How much copy should be on my ads?

Too much text is overwhelming to your audience, for a good high-quality campaign you want to keep your copy on your ads to less and 20%.

#DYK: Facebook will not approve ads that have too much copy on the image.

What is an example of effective copy?

Keep the description of your ad short and sweet. Too much copy is overwhelming to your audience and they don’t want to read all that copy. A few copy examples are:

  • pose a question to your audience

  • invite them to join or do something

  • write a sentence or two that relates to your audience

Another successful Facebook ad strategy is to write a LOT of copy in your ad post - almost like a mini blogpost! It’s important to know and understand your audience and what type of ad is most effective for them. A/B testing is the best way to determine what type of ad copy appeals to your target clients.

What’s my CTA?

A CTA is a Call to Action - something you want your campaign audience to do or gain from your ad. Your CTA will be at the bottom of your ad. You will set up your CTA on Facebook. Here’s a few examples of what you would want your CTA to be:

  • Follow your Facebook page (you would also want to set up a Facebook Follow Campaign)

  • View your services

  • Contact you by phone or visit your law firm’s contact page

  • Download an eBook (great idea for a free resource)

How do I set up my ads?

If you are not familiar with Facebook Ad Manager you can boost your Facebook posts via your Facebook business page so that more of your followers and their contacts see your post; otherwise, you will want to use Facebook Ads Manager.

There is a learning curve with Facebook Ad Manager but there are plenty of Ad Manager resources and videos out there that can walk you through how to use Facebook Ad Manager.

Another important thing to remember when creating a campaign is not to post all of your ads at once. You want to stagger them each by at least a day or so. You don’t want to saturate your target market with your ads - pretty soon they will see the same ads over and over. I’m sure this has happened to you. You don’t want to encourage people to click the Hide or Spam button on your ads!

How do I know whether to “boost” a post or create an ad in Ad Manager?

If you have a high-quality post that already has a lot of engagement it’s a great idea to boost those posts. If you have specific goals and are looking to create more dynamic ads to go along with a campaign, then you want to use Facebook Ad Manager.

How long should I run a campaign?

You should run a campaign anywhere from two weeks to one month. Once you have run your campaign for at least two weeks, then you can assess your next steps. You will be able to see which ads are performing well and which ones you can pause or stop. From there you can either increase your ad spend on your high-performing ads or create a few more ads that are related to your high-performing ads and slowly add new ads, (again staggering), to your ad campaign.

Can you help me start my Facebook Ad Campaign?

SEO My Law Firm would love to help your law firm with your Facebook Ad Campaign. We can create all the ads for you after we learn about your target market and your campaign goals. Ask us about our charge for law firm Facebook Ad set-up and monitoring - we work with budgets of all sizes!

Scan the QR Code to learn more about how we can help you start your Facebook Ad Campaign.

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to download our free eBook to learn more about our content writing services for law firms.

Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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