Is Your Law Firm's Content Marketing Strategy Working For You?

The legal marketing industry is changing rapidly, and law firms should revisit their content marketing strategy quarterly to rethink their marketing strategies to stay ahead of the curve. A few questions to ask yourself are: 

When did you last review your law firm's marketing strategy? 

Do you currently have a content marketing strategy in place?

Is your content marketing strategy working for you? 

Below are our tips for revisiting or creating your law firm's marketing strategy. 

Is Your Law Firm's Content Marketing Strategy Working For You?

Tips for rethinking your law firm's marketing strategy

Regardless of your law firm's budget and size, think about these questions as you rethink or put together your content marketing strategy.

  • What is your law firm's story?

  • What makes your law firm stand out? 

  • How is your law firm different than your competitors? 

  • Do you have a law firm's tagline? A tagline is a great and simple way to start building a connection with your clients. 

  • Who is your target audience? 

  • What marketing channels are you using or will you use to connect with your clients?

  • Does your social media branding reflect your law firm?

Once you have answered these questions, you can use them to help you create your content marketing strategy.

Who is your target audience? 

Before you start marketing, you need to figure out who you are targeting. The best way to understand your target audience is to create a client avatar. Creating a client avatar is one way to understand your firm's ideal client demographics so you can tailor your marketing efforts to appeal to your ideal client. A client avatar will help you further understand who you are trying to reach with your marketing efforts. It's important to pay special attention to their demographics and interests. Once you know your target audience, you can tailor your marketing messages to resonate with them.  

Are you using both social media marketing and content marketing? 

Social media marketing and content marketing are essential for the growth of your law firm. It allows you to reach your target, ideal client, reach a wider audience, target your marketing message more precisely, and track your results. Some of the most effective digital marketing channels for law firms include;

Be authentic and transparent. Don't just do what your competitors are doing.

Potential clients are more likely to do their own research before hiring a law firm. That means being authentic and transparent in your marketing materials is essential. Don't try to be something you're not. What is working for your competitors might not work for your law firm. The goal of your marketing strategy should be to generate leads for your law firm. So, tracking your results and adjusting as needed is important. Use tools like Google Analytics and Search Console to track your website traffic and conversions.

Is Your Law Firm's Content Marketing Strategy Working For You?

Use social media tools that work for your law firm. 

It's a misconception that you should be on all social media profiles. When marketing on social media, you should only be on social media profiles that work for your law firm and can effectively reach your target market. As mentioned above, paying special attention to their demographics and interests is important. This will help you understand what channels are best for reaching them and allow you better to target the right people with the right messaging. For example, it's not ideal or enough that you post to Twitter. If your law firm is on Twitter, along with publishing content, you should be engaging with your community and commenting on topics related to your industry. Twitter is also a great way to get free PR for your law firm; this article will guide you on how to use Twitter to get free PR for your law firm. 

Are you focusing on your client's needs?

One of the best ways to reach your target audience is to create a content marketing strategy that includes answering questions for your client and providing them with helpful resources. Always look to provide value to your clients and prospective clients. You will want to create both promotional and educational content. This will also help with building your authority and creditability in your industry. High-quality content you will want to focus on would be;

  • informative and educational blog posts (both short and long form)

  • helpful client resources (eBooks, videos, webinars, email marketing, and email marketing campaigns)

  • Discussing current news, trending topics, and changes to the law

  • Answering the most common client FAQs on your website, blog, and social marketing content.

How do you build credibility with your ideal client? 

Your marketing efforts should include how you will build credibility with your target audience and authority in your industry. You can build these components as you create your law firm's marketing strategy. 

  • Showcase your experience, reviews, law firm highlights, and client victories on your website.

  • Highlight your law firm's awards and achievements on your website and social media profiles. 

  • Post client reviews and testimonials on social media. 

  • Create case studies to share on your blog, social media profiles, and video content. 

Is your law firm's marketing strategy engaging, and does it have a personality?

An important thing to remember is that people want to work with people. Part of your marketing strategy should be answering the questions above, which include;

  • What is your law firm's story?

  • What makes your law firm stand out? 

  • Are you using yourself and your team in your marketing efforts? 

  • Can your clients connect to your messaging? 

  • Are your attorney and staff bios well-thought-out? 

Along with creating high-quality content for your ideal clients. You might want to also; 

  • Use storytelling to connect with your audience. People are more likely to remember and be persuaded by stories than facts and figures. So, use storytelling in your marketing materials to share your firm's story and your client's stories.

  • Create branding that showcases your law firm. Branding should include colors, fonts, taglines, and CTA’s. It should also be polished and consistent throughout your social media profiles.

  • Use photos to showcase your law firm in your content marketing. As mentioned below, people like to work with people, and your clients want to see what it is like to work with your law firm. Here are some examples;

      • Take photos at events you are involved in or attended

      • Every attorney and staff member should have a professional photo on your website. 

      • Celebrate wins! Did you do a company outing? Take pictures and share why that moment was worth celebrating. 

  • Get involved in your community. Being involved in your community is a great way to build relationships with potential clients and establish your firm as a trusted resource. Get involved in local organizations, volunteer, and speak at events.

  • Attend industry events. Attending industry events is a great way to meet potential clients, learn about new trends and network with other lawyers.

Do you have a strong CTA?

Do you have a CTA or Call to Action that leads your clients toward your marketing funnel? If you want your clients to perform an action, you have to ask them. Each CTA should be clear and to the point and highlight a few critical reasons they should want to contact you, download your resources, or sign up for your webinar. 

When it comes to digital marketing, it's easy to get caught up in creating content marketing content, social media, and videos without considering how it will help you drive leads and new business. 

Is your content marketing strategy consistent?

Law firm marketing is something you have to commit to. It's essential to create a consistent schedule that works for you. Think quality over quantity. You can't go from posting on social media, creating videos, and sending out marketing emails to completely stopping all communication. Your potential clients will be confused, and you'll no longer be at the forefront of their minds. You can adjust your strategy or stop using specific social media platforms, but you should then direct those clients in your new direction. 

Not having a Google Business Profile.

Did you know that 97% of people looking for law firms will visit your Google Business Profile than your website? 

That means a client may read your reviews, good and bad, look at your photos, and read your latest GBP updates before visiting your website. Google Business Profile is free and hugely beneficial to draw good leads for your law firm. A big part of your law firm marketing strategy should be optimizing and managing your Google Business Profile. If you need help getting started, this article will help you. 

What’s next for your content marketing strategy?

Rethinking or creating your law firm's marketing strategy can be daunting, but it's essential for staying competitive in today's market. Following these tips, you can create a law firm content marketing strategy to help you reach your target audience and achieve your business goals.

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Does your law firm need a content strategy - and content? SEO My Law Firm can create, optimize and manage all your online digital content so you don’t have missed opportunities to grow your law firm. Contact Us Today about our SEO-optimized content writing for lawyers and law firms.

Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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