Law Firm PR: Should You DIY or Outsource?

You won a big case, were interviewed by the media or received an industry award. But outside your law firm, who knows? In today's competitive legal landscape, brand reputation is paramount. Public relations (PR) is a strategic weapon for law firms, fostering trust, attracting clients and establishing thought leadership. But the question remains: Should you manage your law firm PR in-house or outsource it? Let's explore the benefits of PR and delve into the in-house vs. outsourced approach.

The PR Advantage for Law Firms

  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: PR puts your firm in the spotlight. Through media placements, speaking engagements and strategic content creation, you reach potential clients who might not otherwise find you.

  • Credibility and Expertise: By positioning lawyers as thought leaders through media commentary and industry publications, PR builds trust and positions your firm as a go-to authority.

  • Client Attraction: Positive media coverage showcasing successful cases and client testimonials attracts new clients seeking quality legal representation.

  • Crisis Management: A well-developed PR plan helps you navigate negative press or public perception issues, minimizing damage and protecting your reputation.

The Power of PR: How Law Firms Can Shine and Whether to DIY or Delegate

Law firms can benefit greatly from public relations to enhance brand awareness, establish thought leadership and attract clients. They can either manage PR in-house or outsource it.

In-house PR allows for cost-efficiency and control, but requires time, expertise and staying updated on trends. Outsourcing offers specialized skills, saves time and is scalable, but comes with a cost and some loss of control.

The In-House PR Route


  • Cost-effective: You save on agency fees by managing PR yourself.

  • Complete Control: You have complete control over messaging and brand representation.


  • Time Commitment: Effective PR requires consistent effort. Can your team dedicate the necessary time for research, content creation and media outreach?

  • Limited Expertise: Developing successful PR campaigns requires specialized skills and media relationships. Building these can take time and resources.

  • Staying Current: The PR landscape is ever-evolving. Keeping up with trends and best practices requires ongoing research and adaptation.

The Outsourced PR Approach


  • Expertise: A PR agency brings specialized knowledge, media connections, and proven strategies to the table.

  • Time Efficiency: They free up your team's time to focus on core legal practice.

  • Scalability: PR agencies can adapt campaigns to your specific needs and budget.


  • Cost: Agency fees add to your overhead.

  • Loss of Control: You relinquish some control over messaging and brand representation.

public relations for law firms

Finding the Right PR Fit

HARO (Help A Reporter Out): This free service connects journalists with expert sources. Sign up your lawyers as subject matter experts to gain media exposure.

PR Agencies: Consider local or national agencies like NewsroomPR, known for their legal PR expertise. Research their experience and fit for your firm's needs.

PR Freelancers: Freelancers offer a cost-effective alternative to agencies. Look for experienced legal PR professionals on freelance platforms.

Building an In-House Team: If you choose the in-house route, consider hiring a dedicated PR professional or training existing team members.

The Verdict?

The ideal solution depends on your firm's size, budget, and resources. If you have a dedicated marketing team with some PR experience, the in-house approach might be viable. However, for most firms, outsourcing PR to an agency or freelancer with proven legal industry experience offers a faster track to success.

Remember, PR is an investment. By choosing the right approach, you can leverage its power to build a strong reputation, attract new clients, and solidify your firm's position in the legal market.

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Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


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