Newsletter Ideas for Law Firms to Increase Engagement
If you don't know it by now, law firm marketing is essential to growing your law firm. It's not only how you gain new clients; law firm marketing is crucial for your authority and brand awareness within your community. An essential part of law firm marketing is curating an engaging newsletter. Unfortunately, many law firms are not using newsletters effectively or even sending out a newsletter. Platforms such as Mailchimp make creating free, engaging newsletters easy, significantly benefiting in retaining and gaining new clients.
Shockingly in 2022, 86% of the time, law firms failed even to collect an email address.
Additionally, an essential part of email marketing is growing your email list. Not collecting email addresses is a huge missed opportunity to capture new leads and stay top-of-mind with past clients.
However, if you want to start sending out a newsletter or looking for ways to increase your engagement, we encourage law firms to get creative when sending out newsletters. To help you get some ideas, we have put together a list of effective ways to boost your law firm's newsletter engagement.
According to recent statistics, law firms should have an average open rate of 22% and an average click rate of 2.81%.
First of all, people receive lots of emails daily, and if you don't have a catchy subject line, your email will get easily overlooked and most likely deleted. So consider how your content can be helpful as you create your email newsletter and, more specifically, what subject line would get noticed by your readers.
Here are a few helpful suggestions to think about as you write your subject line.
Short and to the point. Best practice is nine words or less.
Use numbers but don't spell them out.
You can CAPITALIZE a word to make your subject line stand out.
Use "How to" in your subject lines.
It's ok for your subject line to have negative verbiage
Pose a question to your readers
Yes, you can use emojis but only one.
If you need help creating a newsletter for your law firm, please don't hesitate to contact us. We offer this service and are happy to discuss how we can help.
12 ways to increase your newsletter engagement in 2023
We want your law firm clients to not only read your newsletter but contact your law firm for additional services and for your readers to refer your legal services to friends and family. Word of mouth and reviews are so crucial for the success of a law firm. Below, we have compiled a list of newsletter ideas for 2023 to boost your open rate and clicks.
Include a personalized note.
Starting your newsletter with a personalized note to your readers is a great way to engage and connect. Once the reader has opened your newsletter, the best way to grab their attention is a personal but short paragraph highlighting the key points and purpose of the newsletter.
Make your newsletter interactive.
A simple way to make your newsletter interactive is to create a QR code. We like using this one. If you want your readers to follow you on Facebook, download a free resource, link to your contact page, or you can easily create a branded QR for your readers.
Blog roundup.
A blog roundup of your recent posts can showcase trending topics and connect the reader to your services. If possible, you should use images. Please ensure they are an optimal size, high-quality and related to your topic. Use a few sentences from your blog post that will stand out to your reader, a quote or even ask and answer a question. Remember to link your blog through the image and create a ‘read more’ link button.
Free resource guide.
Every law firm should create a free resource or lead magnet to attract potential clients and help grow its mailing list. It would be beneficial if you offered some additional free resources for your loyal subscribers at least every quarter. Lead magnets can include;
Changes to the law.
Laws and regulations are constantly changing, and the average person doesn't have the time or inclination to keep up with them. If you are aware of new laws in your field, your clients should be too. A newsletter is a great way to inform them of important updates or changes.
Embed your videos.
If you have a YouTube channel that your law firm uses to share videos, it is essential to share your videos on your social media platforms, embed them on related blog posts and embed them in your newsletter.
Write a case study.
If your law firm has recently won a successful case, write a case study to Include the highlights of the case. You can absolutely write one without giving out any personal information.
Showcase your client testimonials.
As mentioned above, reviews are everything to law firms. So, if you receive a client testimonial that stands out from the rest, make sure to share your reviews.
Highlight company events and talk about your company culture.
People like to do business with people. Your clients and potential clients are interested in what is happening inside your law firm. It's a way that they can connect with you. So, if you are involved in or hosted an event, share photos of the experience and write a small paragraph to talk about the event. The same goes for your company culture. What makes your law firm a great place to work? What is something that would make your law firm stand out from the rest? Has your law firm recently won any awards? Be sure to highlight those as well. Achievements equal success, and people enjoy celebrating others.
Create a Spotify playlist.
Music is a great healer. For example, we have a client who is a divorce attorney, and they created a breakup playlist for their clients going through a divorce. Creating a playlist for your clients is a great way to make your newsletter more interactive and a great way to connect with your clients.
Offer a discount or refer a friend promotion.
Offers are a great way to create a sense of urgency. For example, if you are an estate planning attorney, offer a discount on creating a trust for your child who just turned 18 years old. Or, if one of your clients refers a friend, offer them a discount the next time they use your services.
Invite your readers to a private community.
Maybe your law firm has created a private Facebook group. For example, a group for those who have recently divorced, immigrants looking to connect, or a private group that provides additional free resources.
Does Your Law Firm Need a Newsletter?
If your law firm doesn’t have a newsletter, you need to start one. If your firm does have a newsletter, try some of these ideas to get more opens and more clicks - and grow your law firm.
If you need help with your law firm’s newsletter, let us know: we can help! SEO My Law Firm provides newsletter writing and marketing services and other content solutions for law firms.
What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?™
SEO My Law Firm can create, optimize and manage all your online digital content, including your newsletters, so you don’t miss opportunities to grow your law firm. Contact Us Today about our SEO-optimized content writing, blogging, newsletters, and other content solutions for lawyers and law firms.