How to Make Law Firms YouTube Channel More Successful and Generate More Leads  

Video marketing is critical to your law firm's marketing strategy. According to research, 91% of consumers want to see more videos from brands they support. Law firms; your clients also want to see videos. Why? Well, here are just a few reasons.

  • To learn more about your law firm and its services. A video can give potential clients a better understanding of what the law firm does, its lawyers and how it can help them. 

  • To get a feel for your law firm's personality and culture. A video can help clients to see if the law firm is a good fit for them. For example, if a client is looking for a law firm that is friendly and approachable, they might want to see a video that shows the lawyers interacting with clients in a relaxed and informal setting.

  • To get answers to their questions. A video can be a great way to answer potential clients' questions about the law firm and its services. This can save clients time and hassle and help them feel more confident about choosing the right law firm.

  • To be inspired. A video can be a powerful tool for inspiring potential clients. For example, a video that tells the story of a client the law firm helped can effectively show other potential clients what the law firm can do.


For a law firm, video can make a significant impact on your marketing goals, including;

  • Generate leads. Video can be a great way to generate leads for a law firm. Your law firm can reach a wider audience and attract potential clients interested in its services by sharing the video on social media and other channels, including videos on your website and blogs, and ensuring the YouTube channel is optimized correctly

  • Build brand awareness. A law firm video can help build brand awareness and establish the law firm as a thought leader. By sharing the video with potential clients and peers, the law firm can position itself as an expert in the law and a trusted advisor.

  • Educate the public. Law firm videos can be used to educate the public about the law and the law firm's services. Videos can be a valuable tool for reaching out to potential clients unfamiliar with the law or unsure if they need legal help.

  • Improve your online visibility and Google rank. Videos can help you rank higher on Google because:

    • Videos are more engaging than text content. This means that people are more likely to watch your videos and stay on your website longer, which signals to Google that your website is valuable.

    • They can be used to target specific keywords. For example, if you are a lawyer who specializes in personal injury law, you could create a video about how to file a personal injury lawsuit. This video would be likely to rank high for the keyword "personal injury lawsuit," which would bring more potential clients to your website.

    • Videos can be shared on social media. When you share your videos on social media, you are exposing them to a wider audience, which can help you attract more potential clients.


In one of our previous law firm marketing articles, we discussed the importance of optimizing your YouTube channel for search engines; however, creating a YouTube marketing plan is crucial, just like you have with your other social media channels, blog posts and email marketing campaigns. Video is no different. 

8 essential ways to make your law firms YouTube channel more successful 

1. Create a channel for your audience. The best way to start creating a channel for your clients is to think about the top questions you get asked when a client comes to you. Start making a list and writing those down - you have already started coming up with video topics. Next, consider your top services and the blog topics you focus on - how can you turn those into informative videos?

2. Choose a niche. Within your industry, what topics are you passionate about? What part of your job within your industry do you enjoy the most? What do you know a lot about? What would other people be interested in watching? Once you've chosen a niche, create relevant and engaging content for your target audience. When you are excited or passionate about something, that will shine through in the videos, and your audience will pick up on that. 

3. Branding is a must. Your branding should be cohesive across all your social media platforms. Including your logo, the same colors, and the fonts you use throughout your online presence is essential. 

4. High-quality content. Your video doesn't need to be professionally produced. However, the video and audio should be high quality. Take the time to plan your videos and make sure they are well-produced. This includes;

  • Where will you film your videos? Does the lighting and the background look professional or appealing? 

  • Create a script for your videos and start every video the same way. Introduce yourself, discuss your services, and mention any unique resources you provide your clients. Be sure to say that you will include any links to these in the description below. 

  • Editing your videos to include music, graphics, and text when needed. 

5. Be consistent. Upload new videos on a regular schedule so that your viewers know when to expect new content. Being consistent will help you build a following and keep your viewers engaged.

6. Promote your channel. Your YouTube marketing plan should include how you will share your videos on social media and use other channels to drive traffic to your channel. 

7. Cross promotion. Ask colleagues in your industry to be guests on your YouTube. Put together a PR kit for how you would like them to promote their guest video. 

8. Look at your competitors. Watch videos from others in your industry and video or just people you enjoy watching or following. What engages you to watch? Take note of how their video looks and is edited. Watching other videos can give inspiration and new ideas and help understand trends. 

We can help you with your law firm’s YouTube marketing strategy

Creating a marketing strategy for your law firm is not difficult, but it is time-consuming. We can help you put create and optimize your YouTube channel and create your social media marketing strategy.

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Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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