25 Twitter Tips for Law Firms


Twitter is a great place to really showcase who you are and what you know as a lawyer. Not only can you market your law firm on Twitter:

#DYK: Twitter is a great way to get press and media coverage for yourself and your law firm.

Many journalists, podcasters and other traditional and digital media use Twitter to find important stories, resources, subject matter experts (SMEs) and authorities on breaking or trending news, guests for their program or expert sources for their articles.

If you want to show that you are a legal thought leader and authority on Twitter, these 25 Twitter tips for law firms can help you reach that goal.

As you follow this list remember:

  • post high-quality content

  • be consistent

  • use a few good relevant hashtags

to grow your audience, reach new prospects and show your audience the importance of the work you are doing within your firm. 

How Twitter Can Help Your Law Firm

  1. Clients and potential clients can gain knowledge from you as a reliable legal resource. You become more approachable to clients and start building relationships by being active on Twitter. 

  2. It’s a great way to network with other lawyers and build your referral list. 

  3. You can learn from other lawyers and legal resources.

  4. Legal benchmarking gives you an up-to-date look at other firms, how other lawyers are marketing their services and what types of cases trending. 

Ready to use Twitter to grow and promote your firm and build your brand identity? Keep reading to find out how to use these super helpful 25 Twitter tips for law firms.  

25 Ways Lawyers and Law Firms Can Effectively Use Twitter

1. Hashtags

Hashtags are a must on Twitter. You will want to use hashtags in your bio and in every tweet. It’s how Twitter users find the relevant information that they are looking for, and it’s also how you will find information and topics regarding your field. 

2. Twitter Bio

When writing your Twitter bio, describe your law firm in a way that is engaging to followers. Be transparent in what services you provide, and don’t forget to show some personality. No one wants to follow a buttoned-up type of lawyer - those types of profile images can come across as boring to them. Don’t forget to also use relevant hashtags in your bio.

3. Profile Image

It’s really important to use a high-quality photo as your profile image. It not only shows your professionalism but also shows your followers the real you. 

4. Use a Social Platform

Use a social platform like Hootsuite or Social Pilot to help you organize your thoughts and your content and schedule your posts. This is something you can do or have your assistant or marketing manager manage for you. Spend a few minutes writing out some tweets of what you want to say and save them. You can go back later to organize and schedule. 

5. Images

When you are using images to promote your law firm or any content make sure you are using photos that fit your client demographic. You want them to know that you are relatable to them. 

6. Observe Your Competitors

This is a must. It’s ok to “watch” what your competitors are doing. You can actually learn so much from what others are doing. Don’t be afraid to take what they are doing, reimagine it and make it work for you. Obviously, you don’t want to copy their Twitter strategy exactly. For example, if they promote eBooks or videos each month, you can do the same. Of course, your actual content will be different because it’s coming from you and your experiences. Also, if you are watching them, they are absolutely watching you. So, why not give them a follow! 

7. Industry News Topics

By following specific hashtags you can find out relevant or breaking news around your industry. You can retweet those tweets and professionally give a helpful tip, comment or your thoughts on the subject. The media may even reach out to you for a statement or to give more advice on the topic.

8. Promote Podcasts and Videos

If you have a podcast or create videos, Twitter is a great place to promote them. You can create post snippets of your podcast or videos. You can create tweets on topics or tips from your video or podcast. You can even create social graphics to promote both your podcast and video. 

9. Twitter Video

If you have something quick to say you can use Twitter Video to create a quick 30-second video right on your Twitter account. 

10. Promote Your Content

If you consistently write blog posts and share content on social media don’t forget to do the same on Twitter. It’s a great way to showcase your content and what you are working on. 

11. Pin Tweets 

You can easily Pin important tweets on your Twitter profile. This pinned tweet is the first thing your followers will see in your feed. Pinned tweets can promote new services, showcase something your firm has done, highlight a tweet that got a lot of attention or even one of your latest videos or Twitter video. 

12. Tweet Tips

It’s never good to give legal advice on social media. However, you can give your clients, followers, and potential clients helpful tips for example, on how to do certain things like filing forms, deadlines, or social service guidance. Or, give advice on facts in your specific legal service.

13. Join a Twitter Chat

Find a Twitter chat that talks about your specific field and service. This could be a good way to get new clients. You can also join a lawyer twitter chat, a great way to network with other lawyers. 

14. Tweet Live

If you have something you want to say. You can tweet in real-time. It is important to tweet often and be consistent, as well as tweet scheduled content. 

15. Do a Live Q&A

Find a time in your schedule to do a live Twitter Q&A. It can be as often as once per week or just once per month. Be sure to send out posts that promote when you are going live and what your topic will be. 

16. Mention Others

If you ever mention another Twitter user it is always good Twitter etiquette to @mention that person and give them credit. It’s a good courtesy to practice and it will always come back around to help you. 

17. Showcase Your Work

Have something you are proud of working on as a firm or an award that you received? Be proud - showcase your work with a link and photo.

18. Promote Services

You don’t want to do it all the time. But it is important to promote your services to give your new and old followers a refresher and a chance to know and understand what services you offer. I like the 80/20 rule: 80% of your content is useful or helpful, 20% promotes your services, expertise and law firm.

19. Offer Resources 

Have a free eBook or a free helpful resource you would like to give to your audiences. Create a simple landing page or a blog post and offer a CTA (call to action). An example of a CTA would be an email address sign-up that leads them to a welcome email and a way to access your resources. Post links to your resources on Twitter This is also a great way to grow your emailing list. 

20. Engage With Your Followers

It is so important to respond to all your Twitter mentions, direct messages, etc. Thank someone who mentions you, or retweets your posts. It is also very important to engage with your Twitter community. You want people to know who you are and that you are an approachable real person.

21. Actively Follow Others

If someone follows you and they are relevant to your industry it is also good Twitter etiquette to follow them back.

22. Twitter and LinkedIn

Think of Twitter and Linkedin as similar professional platforms. Whatever you are posting on LinkedIn you could also post on Twitter. 

23. Be Authentic

It is important to always be thoughtful, smart, friendly and non-political. It is also very important to be authentically you.  People - especially on social media - can see when you are not being authentic.

24. Create Your Own Unique #Hashtag

Come up with a unique branded hashtag that relates to your law firm or you. When you tweet something that is newsworthy or even your weekly tips create a unique #hashtag(s) that people can search for or start to follow. Be an authority in your industry.

25. Twitter Moments

If you have some notable news you can create a Twitter Moment. “Twitter Moments are curated stories about what’s happening around the world.” (click on the link to see how to easily create a Twitter moment.) How cool would it be if your law firm was mentioned!

Content Marketing For Law Firms

I hope you found this post helpful and you can use this Twitter tip list to help build your law firm’s brand and become a thought leader and authority in your legal specialty.

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Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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