11 Reasons Every Law Firm Should Have a Blog

11 Reasons Every Law Firm Should Have a Blog  Catherine Russell  SEO My Law Firm .png

I recently saw an Instagram post by Wealthy Woman Lawyer explaining why every law firm needs a blog… and I have to agree: She’s right! Every law firm SHOULD have a blog. Here are Davina Frederick, owner of Wealth Woman Lawyer’s 7 reasons every law firm needs a blog… plus a few more of my own!

11 Reasons Every Law Firm Needs A Blog

Wealth Woman Lawyer

Wealth Woman Lawyer

1. Blogs are a cost-effective way to attract ideal clients.
TV ads and mailers can be expensive. However, a simple blog, posted on your site and then shared on your social or emailed out to your past and current clients, can cost as little as $20 a month!

2. Blogging increases your firm's online presence.
When potential clients use search engines, you need to guarantee that your name pops up first. Maintaining an active blog with new, relevant content will ensure that potential clients will call you over your competitors.

3. Blogging establishes your credibility.
When clients are reviewing your firm's website, they are not just reviewing your contact information. They are making an educated decision about your reputation and credibility. Having a blog on your website will let clients know you are skilled, because they will see that you can write about a wide variety of legal topics.

4. Blogging helps you find future clients.
You never know who will stumble across your blog, and remember your name in the future!

5. Blogging provides social media content.
Successful firms run successful social media accounts. You can strengthen your social media feed by creating posts to announce when you publish a new blog entry, or you can share excerpts of your writing on Twitter and Instagram.

6. Blogging helps you stand out.
Law firms are located in a competitive industry. Having a blog will make your firm more memorable!

7. Blogging can establish you as an expert.
Blogging on legal issues will establish your expertise in law. After demonstrating your knowledge, your online presence might even attract civic group and journalists to invite you to speak at events. And of course, speaking at events will introduce you to even more potential clients!


9. Blogging helps your SEO.
Strategic website content, including blogs, helps your search engine optimization. SEO helps search engines and people find your blogs, which helps prospects find your law firm so they can learn about your law firm so they can hire you and you can solve their legal problem.

10. Blogs live in search results long after paid ads expire.
Paid ads can be very effective, but have a much shorter shelf life than a relevant blog. A well-written blog can continue to rank for YEARS, while a paid ad ends when you stop paying.

11. Blogs can start a trusting relationship with future clients.

When a prospective client reads a well-written blog that answers their question, they are then likely to look for more answers on your website - and start to build a trusting relationship with you.

Blogging For Law Firms

Your law firm's blog should provide valuable content, resources and information to potential clients - and search engines. SEO - search engine optimization - helps people find your blog through Search - and when people find and like your blog, Google rewards your website with higher rank and more online visibility.

Content optimization can help your law firm rank higher.png

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SEO My Law Firm’s legal blogging solutions can help your law firm get more online visibility and rank higher on search engines. Contact us to discuss how we can help grow your law firm’s business - and your profits!

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.




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