Why Conversion Rate Optimization Matters for Law Firms

Why Conversion Rate Optimization Matters for Law Firms | Catherine Russell | SEO My Law Firm

Your law firm has a great website - good content, modern, easy to use and navigate. Your team is following all the best practices for content marketing - well-written blogs and social media posts, attractive graphics, good promotion strategy on all your social media channels. Your website is driving traffic - you’re getting visitors, people are clicking your CTA buttons, they’re signing up for your newsletter.

So what’s the problem? You aren’t getting any real leads from your website that leads to new clients for your law firm. What’s your problem? It could your conversion rate.

What Is Conversion Rate Optimization?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) is the process of increasing the number of conversions from your law firm’s website - and creating revenue for your firm. The key question here is, What is a conversion?

In digital marketing terms, a conversion happens when your website visitor does what you wanted them to do:

  • sign up for a newsletter

  • watch a video

  • visit another blog page

  • download a free fact sheet

As your content marketing strategy improves, your website may have more and more CTAs: Calls To Action. A CTA is a button, link or other visible invitation for your website visitors to take action. In the CTA below, we want you to contact SEO My Law Firm.

If someone clicks the button and contacts us about our SEO optimized content, that is a conversion. And when we speak to that lawyer about our services, that conversion can lead to a new client.

What Do You Want Your Website Visitors To Do -
What’s Your CTA?

I talk a lot about Hick’s Law - a study done years ago that shows the more choices you give someone, the longer it takes them to make a decision. And, too many choices may lead them to make no decision! I liked in Europe for many years, and one time I came back to the U.S. and was asked by family to buy a frozen cheese pizza for the kids at the local grocery. At Kroger, I was overwhelmed by choices - there were so many different sizes, shapes and price points! In Paris’ small neighborhood groceries, there was 1 type of frozen pizza to choose - if I was lucky! I grew up in the U.S., had grocery shopped thousands of times, but now I was overwhelmed by choices and couldn’t decide which one to pick.

So I called Little Caesar’s and picked up a carry-out pizza. I was overwhelmed by choices, so made none.

Now think about your website. Look at your Home page - is your visitor overwhelmed by choices? Do they know what you want them to do? If they watched your video, they learned more about you. That’s great - and an important part of the buyer’s journey to build a relationship and trust before they contact your firm.

But is that a conversion? Yes. Is it a lead - no. You need website design and marketing goals that clearly define what a conversion is, and what you want your visitors to do.

How To Improve Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Now that you know what the problem is - you have too many CTA’s or your conversion goals need to be updated - what do you do about it? How can you improve your website’s conversion rate?

1. Answer this question:
What’s the #1 most important thing you want website visitors to do?

  • Fill out a Contact form?

  • Call your office?

  • Book A Consultation?

Whatever your ultimate conversion goal is, your website should be designed to achieve that goal.

So, should you only have one CTA on your website? No, other CTAs are important parts of the buyer’s journey to help them learn more about your firm and your services and to start to build a relationship and trust.

Clearly define your website conversion goals so you can understand and adjust them to reach your business goals.

2. Know Your Audience

Who are you trying to reach? What are the demographics of your clients?

  • Are your clients immigrants, and English is their 2nd or 3rd language?

  • Do you provide legal services for businesses and corporations?

  • Is your ideal client a healthcare worker or medical professional?

Understanding who you’re trying to reach is vital to improving your conversions. Clear communication differs based on your buyer persona - a written profile of who your ideal clients are.

Different audiences respond to different messages and different pain points. Understanding who your website and CTA are targeting is critical to achieving your conversion goals - and new business for your firm.

3. Optimize Your Main CTA

  • Does your main CTA stand out? Does it have large print in a noticeable color?

  • Is it clear and understandable?

  • Does it relate to the main goal of your website - to get more clients?

  • Is it easy to find on every page of your website?

  • Do you use your main CTA on social media posts?

Your website, your newsletter, your social media channels, your PPC ads - all your digital real estate should have an optimized CTA that you can use to measure your conversion rate and determine if your main CTA is helping you achieve your business goals.

4. Measure Your Optimization Rate

To determine how effective your conversion strategy is, you need to track and analyze your website traffic and your CTA clicks and outcomes. You need to track:

  • your website traffic (Is your website connected to Google Analytics?)

  • your inbound phone calls

  • your newsletter sign-ups

  • your video watches

  • followers, Likes, shares and comments on social media

5. Test Your CTAs

When you design and implement a CTA strategy, A/B test them to see which CTA gets a better response. For example, effective CTAs should be typically short and clear. Which is better?

  • Download Here or Download Our Free eBook Now

  • Contact Us or Call Today

  • Book An Appointment or Schedule a Free Consultation

By A/B testing various CTA colors, wording, locations on your website plus other factors you can gather information about which CTA is more effective in getting leads and conversions - not which is the prettier design or the best grammar.

Recently we did an online visibility audit for a law firm. One of my 1st questions was, where’s your phone number? The CTA was big and clear: Call Us For A Consultation. The CTA linked to their Contact page. Great. But the CTA said: Call Us.

And their phone number was not on their Home page.

Conversion rate optimization helps you meet your business goals. The main goal of your website is to attract new, targeted visitors and convert them to clients for your law firm. Tracking, measuring and optimizing your CTAs are critical to improving your conversion rate - and growing your business.

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SEO Optimized Content Writing For Law Firms

SEO My Law Firm creates well-researched, high-quality content for law firms. Our blogs, website pages, newsletters and social media posts are customized, unique, and optimized so your law firm gets found on Search and your visitors understand your services and how you can solve their legal problems. Well-written quality helps you rank higher on Search and drives targeted traffic to your website.

Do what you do best - and outsource the rest!

SEO My Law Firm’s legal content writing solutions can help your law firm get more online visibility and rank higher on search engines. Contact us to discuss how we can help grow your law firm’s business - and your profits!

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?™

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients who need you to solve their legal problems - and to help you grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 12 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, LinkedIn, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.

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