Why Law Firms Should Boost Facebook Posts

No matter how hard you try with your Facebook social marketing efforts, the truth is Facebook's organic reach has been slowly declining. It’s very frustrating for businesses that are not seeing the same numbers that we were seeing just one year ago.

However, as Facebook changes its algorithm, law firm marketers need to rethink their strategies. A really important marketing strategy that law firms should start incorporating is boosting Facebook posts.

Under Facebook’s current algorithm, statistics show if you have 1,000 followers on Facebook only 2% of your following is actually seeing your content. That means around 20 followers are actually seeing the content you are posting. Yes, that is a really low number, and you may have noticed that your Facebook engagement has also declined.

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How To Boost Your Facebook Posts

So, you may be asking how can start increasing my Facebook engagement and reach? As mentioned briefly above, you need to push your content out to both your current followers and also reach a new audience by boosting posts on Facebook.

Here is everything you need to know about boosting your posts on Facebook.

You don’t need to know how to use Ad Manager

Ad Manager is a Facebook marketing tool for viewing current and former ad campaigns. It can be quite complicated to use, does require some training and needs someone to frequently manage it. Boosting Facebook posts is much easier and doesn’t require using Ad Manager. You can boost posts on Facebook simply by viewing the post you want to boost and clicking on the blue post button. From there you can set up the following;

  • GOAL - set the result that you would you like from your boosted post

  • BUTTON - add a call to action (CTA) for your boosted post such as a link to a website or a phone number to call

  • MESSAGE - set up an automated message for anyone who reaches out to you

  • AUDIENCE - set up who you would like to see your boosted post

  • DURATION - set your budget and how long you would like your boosted post to run for

  • PLACEMENT - select what placements you would like for your boosted ad

Set your budget and goals

The great thing about boosting posts is you don’t need a huge marketing budget! You can boost for as little as $1 a day. A best practice is to start with a smaller budget and increase your budget based on your results and the type of content you are posting.

*An important thing to remember is not to boost more than one post at a time because if you do you are competing against your own boosted posts.

As you start to put together a marketing strategy for your boosted posts you should think about the following;

  • GOAL
    What would you want your goal to be for your boosted posts. Would you like more phone calls, for a potential customer to fill out a form, for a potential customer to send you a message, or receive more engagement on your post?

    Once someone has viewed your post you have the option to direct your customers to do something else such to call you, visit your website or blog, or sign up for a resource.

    reate a personalized message that is friendly and easily provides your customer with how they can receive additional information, chat with you, or call your law firm

    Your audience is also your target market - your ideal client. The best way to create your audience is to do create a client profile of who your client is, where they live, etc

    Boost duration should be decided based on how many posts you would like to boost per month. If you are posting new content every week, you might want to just boost posts for 3 to 5 days. If you are promoting a new service or an event you might want to boost for a longer period of time. Keep in mind to only boost one post at a time

    You can choose where you want your target customer to see your boosted posts. As you go through all the prompts you can decide where you think this content would be best seen. Not everything you post on Facebook works the same or is viewed the same on Instagram or messenger.

Each post that you boost should have a marketing strategy behind boosting that post. For example, if you are boosting a post that features a new service, you should strategize what you would like those customers to do after they see your post, and how long you want to promote that service. Or if you have a post that discusses something newsworthy you can direct your customers to read more on your blog or website. These types of content posts will probably be promoted for a shorter amount of time compared to a new service post.

Types of posts to boost on Facebook

You can boost almost any post you want on Facebook. Facebook has introduced some restrictions on boosts - which change frequently! - such as denying boosts to landing pages the user cannot navigate out of. If you are interested in putting together a social marketing strategy that incorporates Facebook boosts here are some examples of some posts you want to promote.

  • New blog posts or anything newsworthy

  • Law firm announcements

  • Awards

  • New services

  • Videos

  • Podcasts

  • Events

Facebook boosting best practices

1. Create a marketing strategy for your law firm

Make sure to define your goals and expectations for boosting Facebook posts. When boosting each post you should evaluate the results during and after each post, and make adjustments as you need to. You can adjust a boost while the campaign is still running.

2. Don’t boost for too long

You don’t want to boost for too long, leading to people becoming tired of your content. A good rule to follow is to boost a post for about 5 to 7 days.

3. Create your audience

Before you start boosting take the time to create your target audience or your ideal client using Facebook’s demographic options. Your boosted posts should be as targeted as possible to get the best results.

4. Boost high performing post types

Post types that have already demonstrated high engagement show that these are the types of posts that your audience wants to see.

5. Don’t keep boosting the same posts and using the same audience

Your audience wants to see new content from you. For example, if you want to promote a new service multiple times throughout the month, it’s important to change up the content and imagery. The same is true for your targeted audience: a best practice is to have a few different audiences that you can experiment with and market to.


Facebook marketing continues to be a moving target. The algorithm changes frequently, and ads can be denied without explanation - and often without recourse to appeal! Even so, many law firms continue to have good success reaching their ideal clients on Facebook. Facebook post boosts are a simple, inexpensive and cost-effective ad strategy that gets results for law firms.

As new Facebook information and trends come around, we will continue to give you important information on how to grow your law firm using the newest and most successful marketing strategies. If you don’t have the time to manage your firm’s social platforms, not a problem. We can help you with all your content creation and marketing needs.

Do what you do best - and outsource the rest!

SEO My Law Firm’s legal content writing solutions can help your law firm get more online visibility and rank higher on search engines. Contact us to discuss how we can help grow your law firm’s business - and your profits!

Kelly Russell

Hi, I’m Kelly, Content Marketing Director at SEO My Law Firm. I’ve been creating high-quality content for over ten years. I’ve worked with small clients and large brands, writing content and website copy and creating SEO and marketing strategies and campaigns across all social media platforms and Google Business Profile.

In 2018, I wrote my first novel, titled A Girl’s Guide to Chicago, based on my personal experiences of living in Chicago.

I enjoy writing, reading, drinking coffee, exploring the city, enjoying a nice cocktail, and relaxing at home watching a good movie with my husband, dog, and cat.


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