How to Repurpose Your Law Firm’s Content to Get More Bang for Your Content Marketing Buck

How to Repurpose Your Law Firm’s Content to Get More Bang for Your Content Marketing Buck

Content marketing is an effective way law firms can reach more potential clients online. An ideal law firm content marketing strategy goes beyond attracting social media impressions and website traffics. Your firm needs to repurpose content into different forms on different online platforms for optimal ROI on your investment in content marketing and to save time and energy!

Repurposing your law firm content is a strategy to reuse your previously shared content in new ways, on different online platforms. Instead of constantly having to come up with new content ideas, your firm can reuse your content in different ways to drive different target audiences to your law firm's website and generate new business leads. There’s more chance you’ll get a bigger bang if you repurpose strong law firm content using different tactics. 

10 Ways To Repurpose Law Firm Content

Repurposing your law firm content will require researching ideas and finding ways to reuse them in your content. You'll have to produce unique long-form blog posts, create video content and develop a promotion strategy that will improve the ROI on your law firm content. Here are a few tactics to repurpose your law firm’s blogs and videos to reach more people who need your services. 

5 Ways to Repurpose Your Blog Posts

1. Create Long-Form Blog Posts or Guides
You can repurpose your content by creating long-form, optimized blog posts from previously published shorter articles. Using internal links, you can create longer blog posts or eBooks that summarize multiple posts and can be used as lead magnets on your website to grow your mailing list.

Check out what your competitors are posting and take note of their lead magnets. Benchmarking your competitor's pages will also give you interesting article topic ideas and new keywords to target.

Look for missed opportunities. You can take advantage of what’s missing on their site (and on yours!) and build something unique in your content. Remember that repurposing your content doesn't mean completely ignoring your previously shared content. Instead, you're using new ideas to improve and expand what you’ve already done.

2. Turn Your Law Firm Content into Infographics

Infographics allow you to present bite-sized “snackable” information in a way that’s easier to understand for different potential clients. This makes it more effective in conveying the right information to your target audience. Infographics also have a higher sharable power, making it an effective way to repurpose your content.

Social media users are more inclined to share an infographic with compelling information inside. This can be via different social platforms than law firms typically post content on, such as Pinterest, where there's a better reach to a specific audience, and can boost your conversions.

3. Turn Your Content into a Podcast

Podcasts are a good way to repurpose your content because they're engaging and easy to consume on the go. A good podcast format can make complicated legal topics easier to understand and more convenient to access. 

You can launch a podcast about topics relevant to what your law firm offers, and the types of issues that are important to your clients. You can invite guests and experts to discuss the topics in a conversation that your clients will care about.

4. Reuse As a Guest Blog

Guest blogging introduces you to new audiences, establishes your expertise, builds important backlinks and raises your rank and online authority. Take an important or high-performing blog post and reformat it or add an update, then share it as a guest blog.

5. Turn a Blog Post into A Video

Video is the #1 most engaging form of online content. Take a strong performing blog post and use it as a script to record a video with graphics, slides, statistics, quotes and other engaging visuals to engage the viewer.

5 Ways to Repurpose Your Videos

Audiences today are more inclined to interact with video content than any other form of online content. It's increasingly becoming an effective way to share content and get more impressions and clicks.

1. Make Snippets

Edit a longer video such as a webinar or an Ask Me Anything live video to make multiple short video snippets that provide a tip or FAQ, and then share each snippet on social media.

2. Turn a Video Into A Blog
Google can’t watch a video! Make transcripts of a video and turn the video into a keyword-rich blog post, with the original video embedded. YouTube videos can give a big boost to your law firm’s website because YouTube is owned by Google!

3. Share To Other Platforms
Expand your reach by uploading your Facebook video onto YouTube, for example.

4. Convert To An Audio File
Convert a video into an audio file to repurpose the video as an audio podcast episode that can easily be listened to versus watched.

5. Make Audiograms
Use stats, quotes and other compelling excerpts from a video to make engaging social media graphics that promote an evergreen, popular or important video.

Why You Should Repurpose Your Law Firm Content

Here are the key reasons you should adapt your content to reach more audiences.

  • Increased Reach to New Audiences
    By repurposing your law firm content, you can ensure your content resonates with various audiences. This may involve creating content based on topics and preferences of different demographics.

  • Drive Website Traffic
    Adapting your law firm content for various use will drive more traffic to your website and attract more conversions. Repurposed content on your Firm's website may also lead other sites into redirecting more traffic to your content through backlinking.

  • Improve Your ROI
    Good content is an investment. It’s smart to improve your ROI by transforming high-performing, high quality or important content into many different opportunities to reach your audience.

Bottom Line

When you publish a blog post on your law firm's website, you should repurpose important content to get the most out of your content marketing investment. Online content is a powerful tool for reaching potential clients and nurturing more leads for your law firm. Repurposing your content will help you get more from your content marketing efforts and improve your ROI.

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Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


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