How To Get More Referrals For Your Law Firm

Referrals are one of the best ways to get new clients for your law firm. They come from people who trust you and your work, and they're more likely to convert into paying clients than leads from other sources.

But no matter how great your client results are, and how exceptional your customer service is, you can't just sit around and wait for referrals to come to you. You need to ask for them.

You’ll never GET REFERRALS
if you don’t ASK for referrals.

Strategies To Get More Referrals For Your Law Firm

Here are some ideas and strategies for getting referrals for your law firm:

1. Build relationships with other professionals

One of the best ways to get referrals is to build relationships with other professionals in your community. This could include accountants, financial advisors, real estate agents, and other lawyers.

Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and network with other professionals on LinkedIn. As you get to know people, let them know what type of law you practice and how you can help their clients.

Are you active on LinkedIn? With over 830 million members, it’s a great source for referrals.

  • Is your LI profile strong and showcase your skills and services?

  • Do you post to your personal LinkedIn profile and your company page?

  • Are you a member of LinkedIn groups where you share (not sell) information and answer member’s questions?

  • Do you post articles that demonstrate your knowledge and services?

  • Is your LinkedIn #hashtag strategy strong? ie:

    • I’m looking for referrals for new clients in the [your practice area] area. If you know anyone who is looking for a lawyer, please send them my way. I would appreciate it! #lawfirm #referralmarketing

2. Get involved in your community

Another great way to get referrals is to get involved in your community. Sponsor local events, volunteer for charitable causes, and join community organizations.

When you're involved in your community, you're meeting new people and building relationships. This gives you more opportunities to talk about your law firm and how you can help people.

Community Facebook groups are a great way to solve local people’s problems, demonstrate your expertise - and get referrals.

  1. Choose a niche
    Don't just create a general Facebook group about law. Instead, choose a specific niche that you can target with relevant content and advice. For example, you could create a group for parents who are going through a divorce, for entrepreneurs who need help with business law or for seniors who need help with estate planning.

    By choosing a niche, you'll be able to attract a more targeted audience of potential clients and referral sources.

  2. Provide valuable content
    The key to any successful Facebook group is to provide valuable content to your members. This could include blog posts, articles, videos, and infographics on topics related to your niche. You can also share news and updates about your law firm.

    By providing valuable content, you'll position yourself as an expert in your field and build trust with your group members. This will make them more likely to refer you to their friends and family.

    3. Engage with your members
    Don't just post content in your group and then disappear. Engage with your members by responding to their comments and questions. You can also start discussions and polls to get your members talking.

    The more engaged you are with your group members, the more likely they are to feel connected to you and your law firm. This will make them more likely to refer you to their friends and family.

Here are some additional tips for using your community Facebook group to get referrals:

  • Promote your group outside of Facebook. Share a link to your group on your website, in your email signature, and on your other social media channels. You can also reach out to local businesses and organizations and ask them to promote your group to their members.

  • Run contests and giveaways. This is a great way to attract new members to your group and to generate excitement and engagement.

  • Partner with other businesses and organizations. You can cross-promote each other's businesses and organizations, and you can also collaborate on events and webinars.

  • Offer exclusive discounts and promotions to your group members. This is a great way to show your members that you appreciate them and to encourage them to stay engaged.

By following these tips, you can use your community Facebook group to generate referrals for your law firm.

law firm program

3. Ask for referrals directly

Don't be afraid to ask for referrals directly. When you're meeting with a current or past client, let them know that you're always looking for new clients and that you would appreciate it if they would refer you to their friends and family.

You can also send out referral request emails or letters. Be sure to personalize your messages and let your clients know why you appreciate their referrals.

Social media is another opportunity to ask for referrals. Your followers are likely people who know you or who have a problem that your law firm can solve. Create posts on social media that encourage your followers to recommend your law firm.

  • Family law issues can be complex and emotionally charged, so it's important to have a qualified lawyer on your side. If you know someone who is going through a divorce, child custody dispute, or other family law issue, please refer them to our firm.

    We value your referrals and we are committed to providing our clients with the highest quality legal representation. We understand that family law issues can be difficult to deal with, and we are here to help our clients every step of the way.

    If you or someone you know needs help with a family law issue, please contact our firm today for a free consultation.

    [Insert link to your law firm's website]

    #familylaw #lawyer #referralmarketing

4. Offer incentives

Some law firms offer incentives for referrals. This could be a discount on legal services, a gift card or a donation to a charity chosen by the referring client.

Offering incentives is a great way to show your clients that you appreciate their referrals and to encourage them to refer you to others.

5. Make it easy to refer you

Make it easy for your clients to refer you by having a referral program in place. This could be a simple online form or a dedicated email address.

You can also make it easy for your clients to refer you by providing them with referral cards or flyers.

Don’t forget to invite people to make referrals on your law firm’s website!

  • If you have a professional referral system in place for referrals from other lawyers, include referrals on your website menu.

  • Post testimonials and reviews from other clients and include Testimonials in your Main Menu (don’t forget to share client testimonials on your social media!)

  • Set up a visible CTA and link to a form on your website to make it easy to make referrals

6. Thank your referral sources

When you get a referral, be sure to thank the person who referred you. This could be a simple thank-you note, a phone call, or a small gift.

Thanking your referral sources shows them that you appreciate their business and that you're committed to providing excellent service to their referrals.

Does Your Law Firm Have A Referral Marketing Strategy?

Referrals are a great way to get new clients for your law firm. By following the tips above, you can increase the number of referrals your law firm receives and grow your practice.

But remember, the most important thing is to ask for referrals. Don't be afraid to let your clients know that you appreciate their business and that you would appreciate it if they would refer you to their friends and family.

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


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