Content Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms

Pretty Caucasian woman at the beach smiling at camera.

How Do You Rank?

How can you solve a potential client’s problem if your law firm doesn’t rank on search? Content marketing is not a fad or a trend: the internet is here to stay. Your potential clients are online: attorneys and law firms need to be online to attract new business.

People go to search engines to solve a problem. They need information - and Search is the faster, easiest way to get reliable and accurate information quickly. SEO - Search Engine Optimization - is the strategy of creating valuable online content that both people and search engines can understand. Optimized content is carefully written so that your target audience can find and understand your content on websites, in blogs, on social media, on YouTube and on Google to solve their problem.

If you made it through law school and passed the bar, you probably have the ability to do your own content marketing: but do you have the time? Just as you’d recommend an injured person hire an attorney instead of trying to file a lawsuit on their own, a professional content manager and writer can help your law firm to develop and implement a content marketing strategy that meets your goals and your budget.

Good SEO takes time - it’s a long-term investment in organic traffic. 80% of your SEO effort should be devoted to creating high-quality, relevant content — and 20% to technical SEO.

The right content management strategy will:

  • help you get found more easily online

  • rank higher so that people who need your services can find your law firm

They definitely don’t teach SEO in law school! Your job is to provide legal skills and knowledge to help solve your client’s problems - not create a content optimization strategy. SEO isn’t hard: but it is strategic and time-consuming. By increasing your online visibility, your potential clients can find you - and not your competitors!

Let’s face it, if you’re not on page 1 of Google, you don’t rank. How often do you go to page 5 - or even page 2 - of Google’s search results if exactly what you’re looking for is right on page 1 - never!

SEO and creating strategic, valuable and optimized online content that solves someone’s problem Is the #1 to build your online visibility and grow your law firm - and your law firm profits.

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


How Does Your Law Firm’s Website Rank?