How Does Your Law Firm’s Website Rank?

Bright natural dining room nook with vases plates and fruits on the table.

Make It Stand Out. In A Good Way.

If you’re not on page 1 of Google, your website can rank higher. SEO - Search Engine Optimization - helps your law firm rank on Google for the right reasons. SEO is the process of designing your website and your content so that people and search engines can understand what services your law firm offers, why your firm’s services are better than your competitor’s and how you can SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM.

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Good SEO takes time - it’s a long-term investment in organic traffic. 80% of your SEO effort should be devoted to creating high-quality, relevant content — and 20% to technical SEO. Increasing your rank on search engines and your online visibility are long-term investments in organic traffic.

  • Does your content drive the right traffic to your website?

  • Does your content strategy include strategic keywords and local optimization?

  • What is your visitor’s UX - and what are your missed opportunities?

Well-written online content - website copy, CTAs, blogs, social media posts - can drive the right visitors to your website by explaining what your law firm does - and how you can solve their problem.

Content Is King

This saying has been around for a while because it’s true. Google rewards websites that have high-quality content by increasing their rank on SERPs - Search Engine Results Pages. Quality content increases your law firm’s online visibility and traffic and clients - and profitability!

Google bots scan your webpages and rank your content on criteria including:

  • Quality: How well Is the content written - is it easy to read and understand? Do website visitors go to your page and stay and read your content, or do they ‘bounce’ off that page and go back to Google to search for better content?

  • Fresh: Is your content current and up to date - or did you create your website years ago and haven't touched it since?

  • Relevant: Does your content solve their visitor’s problem - or is your content misleading and doesn’t solve their problem?

What Is Content Optimization?

Content optimization is the process of creating quality content for your law firm’s website, and using strategies that make your website clear and understandable to both people and search engines:

  • a keyword strategy that provides the right information to search engines - and the right audience to your website

  • local search keyword optimization so that your law firm ranks higher on local searches

  • formatting that is easy to understand by people and search engines including:

    • H1 and H2 tags

    • images, videos and infographics

    • strategic use of bullets, fonts, colors, and other user-friendly formatting

  • ALT text so that Google can “see” and understand your images

Content optimization can help your law firm rank higher, get found more easily and get more targeted traffic - and grow your business!

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Your law firm's website and blog should provide valuable content, resources and information to potential clients - and search engines. Content optimization helps people find your website through Search - and when people find and like your website, Google rewards your website with higher rank and more online visibility.

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


Is Your Law Firm Ready For The Google Page Experience?


Content Marketing for Lawyers and Law Firms