Investing in Legal Content Writing Can Help Law Firms Recession-Proof Their Firm

Investing in Legal Content Writing Can Help Law Firms Recession-Proof Their Firm

Is your law firm worried about 2023 and a potential downturn in the economy? Law firms who are concerned that a recession will impact their business need cost-effective ways to reach new potential clients. Investing in the right content marketing can help law firms reach targeted ideal clients in the short term and in the long run. Strategic, SEO-optimized content marketing can save law firms money, increase their efficiency - and increase their profits. Investing in legal content writing is one-way law firms can recession-proof their firms and prepare for an economic slowdown.

In times of economic uncertainty, it is important for businesses to find cost-effective ways to reach new potential clients. Investing in legal content writing can help law firms do just that. Law firms can target their ideal clients and generate more leads by creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content. In the short term, this can help law firms weather any economic slowdown. And in the long run, it can help them increase profits and become more efficient.

So if you are concerned about the recession's impact on your business, investing in legal content writing may be a wise move.

Recent headlines indicate law firms are - or should be - worried about their business in the new year:

It’s Vital for Businesses to Continue Marketing During a Downturn

Not only should law firms continue marketing when times are tough, but they should also invest in more marketing, say, industry experts. Especially content marketing. There are many reasons law firms, like other businesses, should increase their marketing during an economic downturn:

  1. Marketing increases your visibility to your potential clients.

  2. Many of your competitors will cut back on marketing - and you can increase your market share.

  3. It shows your prospects and competitors your business is strong and healthy.

  4. Position yourself for a strong recovery when the economy strengthens.

  5. Build brand awareness through strategic, consistent messaging.

When a recession hits, many businesses make the mistake of cutting back on their marketing efforts. This is usually done in an effort to save money, but it can have dire consequences for firms. Without targeted legal content, law firms will struggle to reach potential clients and retain existing ones. In addition, legal content writing helps build brand awareness and trust with potential clients while improving SEO rankings with search engines like Google.

So How Can Law Firms Prepare For a Recession?
Content Writing

Content marketing is essential for law firms looking to attract new business during uncertain economic times. It is inexpensive to get your message out there and reach potential clients quickly without breaking the bank. Quality legal content also allows you to showcase your expertise and establish your firm as an authoritative source of legal information. By investing in legal content writing, law firms can ensure they continue to draw attention from prospective clients even during a recession.

In addition to its cost-effectiveness and reach, legal content writing also helps law firms save time. Writing legal content can be tedious and time-consuming, so outsourcing the task to professionals who have experience in legal content writing can free up your staff's time for more important tasks. Investing in legal content writing will help you generate quality content faster and with fewer resources.

SEO is a key law firm marketing strategy.

- Forbes

1. Higher ROI On Your Marketing Budget
The beauty of well-written, relevant content is that the benefits can last for months - even years. High-quality, optimized website pages and blogs that provide good information and answer people’s questions can rank long after they are written. In a recent article on content writing ROI, we discussed how to calculate your ROI on SEO-optimized content writing. A high-ranking blog can deliver qualified, targeted website traffic and search engine rank for years after it was written, posted, and paid for - versus pay-per-click advertising, whose benefits end as soon as you stop paying for it.

Content writing is extremely cost-effective compared to traditional marketing, like print or billboard ads, and less expensive than digital marketing, such as PPC ads. Your firm can also repurpose content into different forms on different online platforms for optimal ROI on your investment in content marketing and to save even more time and energy!

#DYK: 97% of people go to Google when they want to find a law firm.

2. Content Marketing and PPC Go Hand-In-Hand
PPC is a great way to quickly get your firm to the top page of 1 on Google, and for targeted people to find your law firm, while SEO takes time to build and generate results. PPC and content writing campaigns can be designed to complement each other and work together well.

3. Outsource to Content Marketing Experts
Law firms can outsource their content marketing needs to professional legal content writers and SEO content experts. Experienced legal content writers will have advice on all aspects of your content marketing strategy, including:

  • what to write about

  • how to find your ideal client online

  • lead magnets and other tools to attract a targeted audience

  • how to update your firm’s messaging and website to address the economy

  • how frequently to post on social media

  • and so much more…

What Types of Content Help to Increase Law Firm Leads?

Good strategies to increase law firm leads include:

#DYK: Nearly 50% of law firms never claim or log in to their Google Business Profile

All of these types of content can help law firms reach more prospects by improving their online visibility and providing valuable information that potential clients need. Additionally, all of these forms of legal content have the potential to be shared across social media channels as well as other legal sites for maximum reach. By investing in quality legal content writing for each type of content mentioned above, law firms can ensure they are reaching the right people with the right message at the right time.

Whatever the economy, investing in high-quality, SEO-optimized content is a smart strategy for law firms to reach their target audience where they “live” online and to improve their online visibility and rank.

#DYK: Potential clients are x5 more likely to visit your Google Business Profile than your website.

Does Your Law Firm Need a Content Strategy - And Content?

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?™

Does your law firm need a content strategy - and content? SEO My Law Firm can create, optimize and manage all your online digital content so you don’t have missed opportunities to grow your law firm. Contact Us Today about our SEO-optimized content writing, blogging, newsletters, and other content solutions for lawyers and law firms.

SEO My Law Firm:
Optimized Content Writing for Lawyers and Law Firms

Catherine Russell

What’s the point of having a website if no one can find it?

Smart, relevant and fresh legal content increases your online visibility to people and search engines so your law firm can find new clients to grow your business - and your profits.

I’ve been creating content for lawyers and law firms for over 10 years and have over 20 years of content marketing experience creating strategic, optimized and engaging content for websites, blogs, social media, YouTube and other online platforms.


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